This World Is Not My Home

I'm just a passin' through. My treasures are laid up somewhere beyond the blue. In the meantime, we are so thankful to be in the center of our Lord's will and for the blessing of serving our Saviour and the people of Bible Baptist Church for the last 35 years here in Kalispell, Montana. This blog is a way of keeping in touch with our extended families, church family, and friends far and wide. We feel so blessed by each one of you and what you mean to us. We are thankful for your prayers over the years and especially now. More importantly, we encourage every one our fellow Christian soldiers to "hold the fort". Use both the joys and trials to tell others of God's amazing grace. It is our desire to give Him the glory in all things. "Wave the answer back to heaven, by Thy grace, we will"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Healing is Hard Work

We apologize for the length of time it has been since we have updated everyone, but healing really is hard work. Pastor has been home for two weeks now and he and Louise have developed quite a routine. Louise's little sister LaDora has been visiting and helping Louise get some much needed work done, as well as find some time to rest. It has been a very sweet visit and we will be sad to see her go.

With the comfort of home, Pastor has begun to regain his appetite and is eating better. Nevertheless, he has now lost 34 pounds. The therapists have refitted his body brace so it will fit and support him better. He says his bones feel like they are healing well, and he has now been four days without a pain pill. Praise the Lord for this! The battle to regulate his blood sugar is still waging, but the VA has referred him to an endocrinologist and they have coordinated better on changes in his medications. It will still take some time to get a better system of control figured out between his diet, medication, and exercise. Please pray that he will be responsive to these changes and that Louise will continue to have patience in helping him with this.

We are so thankful for the new walkway that has been built. At the church workday, the men prepared the site and some other men in the church laid the concrete this past week. The walkway extends from the steps of the parsonage, down in front of the garage, and then over to the new church building. It is much easier for Pastor to navigate his way with his walker now without having to go over the rocks. The therapists have him walking for 10 minutes at a time a few times a day. The best way for him to walk is to head out of the house, over to the new church building, and up and down the isles in the sanctuary. We are sure this has only hightened his desire to be preaching again, as he walks up and down imagining the faces of his church people in their regular spots.

For a pastor who truly LOVES the people the Lord has sent him, it has been so hard for him to accept this time away from preaching and teaching. He has been able to attend services...this photo here was taken at the start of his first Sunday back. The children gathered around him with hugs and kisses and well wishes. It is a huge honor to be the kid that gets to hold his hymnal. He was able to teach the Wednesday Night lesson this week. Tomorrow he plans to preach again for the first time since his accident! We love you all and thank you for your continued prayers for strength.